Zara is 4 months today, and I can’t believe how quickly the time has passed. It seems like just yesterday I was trying to coax her out of her previous residence and now she’s complete 1/3 of a year! My baby’s growing up *TEAR*. Actually, on second thought, I’ll suck that tear back up. I’m happy she’s growing. It’s a blessing. If she was still the 6 ½ pound chocolate drop I brought home, I’d be extremely concerned. That would be the time for tears. Now is the time for thankfulness, because I have a beautiful 4 month old that is the picture of health.
Our natural doctor (who we happen to love) warned us that, as the baby’s newness wears off, things may become harder to manage. I don’t know when that wearing off process is supposed to begin, but so far, so good. Every day I wake up, I am ecstatic to see her chubby little face. It never gets old. I feel just as excited as I did the day I brought her home (but without the soreness). It’s like I’m getting a brand new baby every day. That’s seven babies a week. Seven wonderful Zaras, just for me. (Oh, and her father. Almost forgot about him.)

Zara's Mommy,
Nadirah Angail
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